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HomeCityLight Family Vision


  CityLight believes family is the first institution God created and the whole of society's future rests upon our becoming members of the family of God.  God so loved us that he sent his only begotton Son that we might be reconciled to Him.  We want to help every family find its true relationship with God and themselves.  Won't you join us.  For more information on how you can participate in the next Family Vison Weekend, Contact Us.


    Family Vision Weekend

For Registration information   


The Family Vision Weekend helps families develop their unique multi-generational vision and mission and that becomes the core of their children’s belief system. It not only strengthens the family unit but also provides a clear method of how to pass the vision and mission on to each succeeding generation, thus bringing purpose to the children’s lives.

The result of developing the family vision is that it makes the family more attractive than all the other alternatives. Being part of the family team becomes more important than any other option. It captures the children's hearts and imaginations.

As we teach in the seminars, children don’t rebel against authority; they rebel against a lack of relationship. Developing a family vision and focusing on it daily requires relationship-building activities. These activities, as unique as each family vision, are what help develop bridges between family members that will stand the test of time.


As I looked at Psalm 78:1-11 there is a clear mandate for God’s people to make sure each father teaches the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord in order that they would put their confidence in Him and keep His commandments. What I’ve noticed is that most families lack a clearly defined method to accomplish this.

I can only imagine, if I had been given a document passed down from my great grandfather regarding our family purpose, how that would have given me incredible direction and a sense of calling. This document could have contained our family values just as the Rechabites in Jeremiah 35 passed their values on to their offspring.

Most children of Christian parents lack a clear and compelling family vision that is multi-generational in scope. They are largely unsure of who they are and why they were created. They are missing an anchor, a sense of divine purpose in their lives.

The Family Vision Workshop empowers parents to create passion in their children by providing a clear vision for the entire family.



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